At Bargara Beach Holistic Health Centre, our Naturopaths, Nutritionists and Homoeopaths love to work with food. We understand that supplements are not suitable for everyone and can often be expensive. Food can be your medicine but it can also be your poison, if you are having foods that are incompatible with your body.
People on a list of pharmaceutical medication, are best to NOT self prescribe supplements as they can interact and it is important to see a Qualified Practitioner before self prescribing. But you can safely work with food and you can often greatly reduce inflammation by removing incompatible foods. People with no other health issues may also prefer to work purely with food, and we love working with food with children – who shouldn’t require a list of supplements.
However, when we are working with reducing high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, thyroid issues and elevated liver enzymes etc – you will need to take a list of supplements to prevent pharmaceuticals or further complications. Or an iron deficiency may not be able to be initially corrected just from food.
Of The Earth Juice Bar & Health Shop (next door to Bargara Beach Holistic Health Centre) is offering a 3 Day Juice Cleanse which is available to the public. It is using cold pressed juices where the fibre goes one way and the juice the other. The juices are mainly vegetable, and this allows for the ultimate absorption of nutrients, minerals and enzymes. Cold Pressed Juices allow the body to alkalise and cleanse. It will also reduce bloating as you will not be required to digest for 3 days allowing the digestive system to reset. Customers are reporting up to 4kgs of weight loss over the 3 days. Book yours in at or contact the clinic on (07) 4159 1834 or the Juice Bar on 0413 844 108.
Both businesses offer Hair Testing 600 Items. This is an alternative test that has been researched and developed over 30 years. Many well sought after Naturopaths have been using this in their clinics, Internationally, with very effective results. It can be used to individualise dietary advice and tailor any existing diet for more effective results. It is very suitable for children, especially if they have behavioural issues. It is also suitable for anybody with inflammation symptoms such as eczema, dermatitis, other skin issues, arthritis, digestive issues, low energy, highly reactive people, or people wanting to improve wellness without taking many supplements. Or if you are just wanting to pinpoint those foods you can’t have. One day you have it and you are okay and the next day you are not.
Behind the test lies the principle that ‘dis-ease’ (suffering) in your body is aggravated by certain foods and/or products interfering with your immune system and preventing it from working properly. It is safe, painless and effective. It involves NO needles or blood samples, just a piece of your hair.
The Hair Testing Application forms are available in both business or you can access it at Or contact the clinic on (07)41 59 1834 and we can pop one in the mail to you.
Zip Pay is available to be used for the Hair Testing 600 Items, 3 Day Juice Cleanses and for Appointments and Programs with our therapists. Health Fund Rebates may be available for Nutritional Consultations. Our Therapists can also give you access to specific Digestive Enzymes and the most suitable pre and probiotics for your particular body to improve your absorption of food.