At Bargara Beach Holistic Health Centre, one of the areas we specialise in is Adrenal Burnout. This is when you are waking up tired, hitting a wall at 10am, and if you could only have a nap at 2pm, by 6pm you just wish you could go to bed, and then when everything is done and it is 9 or 10pm you are awake. Sleep may be restless and you wake up in the morning to do it all over again.
When you are feeling like this – it is way too easy to grab that extra coffee, sugary food or glass of early evening wine to help you get through everything you need to do.
Adrenal burnout is real and it can lead to long term health problems. Many women are juggling working full time or part time, families, kid’s activities, trying to be a good friend and have a social life, keep the house sorted, etc and men we do know you are juggling all of this too! Our bodies just can’t keep up with our busy lifestyles and when we are exhausted we just have to push that aside to keep going. We are then running on adrenaline. Adrenal burnout can also lead to thyroid problems.
Adrenal and thyroid symptoms can include weight gain or loss of appetite, insomnia or needing to sleep all of the time, loss of libido, anxiety, palpitations, fatigue, brain fog, irritation, loss of motivation, skin issues, hormonal imbalances and many more.
Some people who are going to the gym are having some pre workout drinks to give them the energy to go to the gym. This can also put stress on the adrenals and thyroid glands which can lead to long term, permanent health conditions. Listen to your body and do the workout that you have the natural energy for. The thyroid controls all the hormones in the body so this can affect hormones for both men and women.
At Bargara Beach Holistic Health Centre, we can work with your GP to review any recent blood tests on your thyroid and also take into account any other results such as full iron studies, blood sugar, B12, and liver and kidney function.
Our Naturopath also has access to request blood tests herself. And we can also do certain blood tests in our clinic. This is through a pin prick of blood, results in 10 minutes with the same accuracy as a blood test. We also have access to alternative thyroid testing such as Reverse T3. Our In Clinic blood test equipment does test such as TSH, Testosterone, Blood Sugar, Iron Stores and many more.
Adrenals are best to be tested in saliva for an accurate picture. We have access to this test as well as various hormonal saliva tests in our clinic. We can help to restore your thyroid, adrenal glands and hormones with nutrients, minerals and herbs and monitor your response through blood pathology.
Taking out food intolerances and working with liver cleansing programs can also assist with increasing energy levels and restoring health. We have a detox program as well as access to a Hair Testing for 500 Items.
For more information, check out our website at or like our Facebook page Bargara Beach Holistic Health Centre. Follow us on Instagram at _healthandhealing
To book an appointment or if you have enquiries, ring our clinic on (07) 4159 1834 or email us at [email protected]