My Mission Statement
I also believe in the best of both worlds of medicine. By safely combining natural medicines to assist in reducing side effects of pharmaceutical medicine, may help to improve ones quality of life on a daily basis. I believe in complimenting the medical and pharmaceutical systems and working towards the best health outcomes for my clients.
If you would like to discuss any current issues surrounding your health or would simply like a second opinion, please book a consultation with me today.

Specialises in
My Story
“Hello, my name is Rebecca Lang BHSc (Comp Med); Adv Dip Nat; Adv Dip Ntn: Adv Dip West. Herb
I grew up in Perth, not far out of Fremantle. I always felt a little bit different to everyone else as a child, I was very sensitive and seemed to feel things deeply. I soon learnt not to watch scary movies or even watch the news.
I was quite unwell as a child and always struggled with digestive issues and basically didn’t like food.
Before I even finished high school I had an interest in Naturopathy, but it was not covered under HECS and the course had to be paid for upfront. My first job when finishing year 12 was at a doctor’s surgery where I worked alongside the doctor assisting with procedures and clinical duties. I loved helping people.
At 18 I was offered work in Port Hedland in WA, working in financial planning, taxation and bookkeeping. I started this work initially hoping I could save the money to pay for my Naturopathy studies. During this time I did my Reiki 1, 2 and Masters courses, massage courses and every spiritual development workshop I could access.
Five years later I moved back to Perth. I was married and had a baby and while he was 6 weeks old, I did an exam towards a Diploma in Financial Planning and was continuing my studies in this area. I soon realised I did not want to waste my time studying something I didn’t love and started my Naturopathy course, saving up for and studying one subject at a time.
My son had many digestive issues and food intolerances, which increased my interest in Nutrition. The doctors advised to give him Nurofen, I took him off gluten and saw immediate improvements.
I was studying Advance Diplomas in Nutritional Medicine, Naturopathy and Western Herbal Medicine. I also wanted to do a Bachelor in Health Science (Complementary Medicine) but this was not available in WA so my family and I moved to Qld 4 hours North of Brisbane to Bargara. A beautiful spot on the beach.
I decided I wanted experience in the medical industry so left the financial planning and taxation industry to work at a private hospital.
Working on the wards gave me patient contact and understanding and the theatre bookings helped me to understand procedures and I was lucky enough to stand in on some surgeries and hold a gallbladder or a thyroid etc.
I then worked for a couple of different surgeons and an Audiologist which greatly enhanced my knowledge.
This was all done while also studying full time externally and attending University Of New England NSW twice a year for lectures and lab work, and also Health Schools Australia at the Gold Coast twice a year for lectures and lab work. That was my annual leave for those years.
I also did go half way through a Bachelor of Nursing during this time but then decided to defer as I couldn’t actually afford to take time off to do the prac hours. I was still working hard to support my family and pay my degree upfront.
While studying I was soon lead back into taxation and opened my own bookkeeping business which gave me more flexibility with hours, so I could also get some work and experience at a health food shop and allow time to do clinical hours over a 2 year period with an amazing Naturopath who was about to retire. During this time I did a Diploma of Urine Biochemistry under my Mentor Naturopath.
In October 2008 I finally completed my studies and on the day of my graduation I did not attend but instead started consulting that day.
With a clinic built on the side of my house in the last year of study I was excited to begin. Many years later I am still loving being a Naturopath and Nutritionist. The clinical research and experience I have received over the years has taught me so much, on top of my studies and my time working in the medical industry. I also worked for 2 years, 1 or 2 days a week in pharmacy, as a naturopath to enhance my pharmaceutical understanding and knowledge.
I had planned on moving back to Perth once my studies were complete but my life did not lead me that way. Although in 2013 I did spend a year in Perth after the house and clinic were hit by a tornado and had to be rebuilt. During this time I still ran my clinic in Bargara as well as one in Perth. I love that with technology I can now also help people world wide via phone and telehealth.
I am passionate about educating people about natural medicine and naturopathy.
I am also a strongly motivated teacher and believe by helping other Naturopaths and writing I am able to help even more people.
I also own Of The Earth Juice Bar & Health Shop, and Of The Earth Publishing.”